How To Build Your Toddler’s Personality?


Royal Academy Montessori Preschool gives you tips to develop your toddler’s personality. You will find the best courses for your child’s development here.

 An overview:

Children develop their personalities from watching their surroundings. In this regard, their parents, family members and teachers play an important role. At Royal Academy Montessori Preschool, our staff nurtures the children in such a way that brings out the best of their personality. Royal Daycare is a reputed Preschool Brampton that offers a comprehensive curriculum to children aged 6 months to 5 years. Our courses help your child develop a bright personality.

If you have a toddler, you have a great responsibility. That is to say, you not only have to make sure that they become bright students. You also have to focus on their personality, emotional and social skills. These things as a whole bring out the best in your child.

Royal Academy understands the hardships you face as a parent. Being a parent is demanding. You have to be patient and listen to your kid. Even in difficult situations you have to keep yourself calm. In short, you have to set a good example for your kid.

Royal Academy Montessori Preschool makes the job a lot easier for you. We teach your toddler life skills that help them in every stage of life. Our preschoolers develop into confident children with a sense of responsibility and positivity.

In this blog, we have shared with you certain tips you can follow to boost your toddler’s personality.

Letting them express themselves:

Kids start expressing their thoughts and feelings between the ages 3 to 5. Encouraging this self expression makes them more comfortable. You can ask them about their opinion about something appropriate to their age. This will help them to express more.

Letting them gain a bit of self-control:

Experienced staff at Royal Academy says that if you let your kids have a little self control, they will grow up to be more independent. This will also build their self confidence. You must let them take simple responsibilities. Let them brush their teeth by themselves. Give them some alone time to play.

Punish them gently:

If your child does not follow rules, you can't always let it go. It may seem small at the beginning, but these small things may lead to bigger problems. You need to punish them, without being too harsh. Yelling at them or hitting them is never the solution. Come up with something creative, maybe have a talk with them and explain why they are wrong.

Set yourself as an example:

If you want your child to have a bright personality, you have to look in the mirror first. Try to be at your best behavior. Your child learns by seeing you.


Listen to your child:

Nowadays, most parents are busy the majority of the time. That’s why your child craves for your attention. They want you to listen to how their day went, what new things they learnt, and so much more. You must pay attention to them. Otherwise, they may feel lonely and not wanted. This will also develop their speech and language.


At Royal Academy Montessori Preschool, we give attention to all these things and many more. Our staff is expert in taking care of infants, toddlers and preschoolers. We help your child develop a sense of independence and have a positive outlook. We stimulate their personality with a bunch of age-appropriate activities. If you wish for your kid to receive the best education, contact us at Royal Daycare.


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